BY: Mark Gibson (N4MQU)
Thanks to the Wendell Historical Society and the Wendell Museum for hosting ARRL Kids Day 2024.
One of the first responders to my request for volunteers was WILLIAM M BERZINSKAS, III (WW1H) and his 11 year son Daniel (KQ4GOB)Extra Class operator. Bill set up his HF station and made some contacts on SSB and CW Bill also had a friend of the family Craig come to enjoy the museum. John Brier (KG4AKV). John made about 10 Satellite contacts. Michael Akers (KN4CBZ) and his 3 year old soon to be 4 year old son. Also in attendance was Hugh Cashion (KD4WJD), Richard Futrell (N4AED), Richard Spargur (K3UI), Stan Disbrow, Jr (W2CK) Thanks to David Price (K4KDP) Section Youth Coordinator for dropping. off ARRL literature from Marvin Hoffman (WA4NCS)Section.Manager. Also thanks to Scott Wilkinson, Jr. (KJ4TUC) for making contacts with us on simplex. Let me know if I left anyone out.
I hope we can continue to engage the community in demonstrating amateur radio to the public. We did have a visitor that I think may be interested. Again thanks to the museum for inviting amateur radio.
Here is the video of Daniel sending CQ on CW.IMG_1835
Here is the video Facebook link of John making satellite contacts.
