Rockingham, NC December 19, 2023 – “ Star of the Sandhills” official tagline ( I did not make this up)Rockingham, NCThe second meetup of the Richmond County NC Amateur Astronomers was a success doubling the total number of participants. Mary Smith of Hamlet and Mark Gibson of Rockingham . Mary and Mark both have had many years of experience as an amateur astronomers. They did not know each other until the meetup. The views of the 7.5 day old moon was spectacular through the telescope set up at the Rockingham town square. The group was able to view the moon using green and yellow filters showing more contrast then without filters . Lunar features observed were identified using an application called Moon Chart. Objects on the moon observed tonight included Alpine Valley, Alps Mountain, Sea of Showers, Sea of Gold, Sea of Tranquillity and more. The group plans to observe from an area away from city lights in the near future. But will continue to offer the public telescope views from the city. Find the group on Facebook
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