When my friend Ryan AVERY (NC4RA) indicated he was going to activate his first park, I asked him to include me if he wanted company and he did. He also had invited Shep Sheppard (K4OKI) to join us. He decided to activate K-6909 Harris State Game Land early Sunday Morning. It was a little early for me (8:00 AM) but I arrived first. As we were setting up the ranger came by and indicated the shelter is reserved but we were welcomed to stay until that afternoon. It just so happened I knew her from my astronomy club activities. Ryan was able to set up his QRP radio to make digital QRP FT8 contacts but when it came to SSB was not able to make contacts using the Wolf River vertical antenna. I decided to set up and try my Chameleon Portable HF Antenna CHA HYBRID Micro. We were successful and made park to park as well as hunters. We did have thunderstorms in the area that may have affected our signal. We had a total of 57 contacts and a great day for POTA Activations.
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