TN K-3941 Grundy Forest State Natural Area

Amateur Radio, K-3941, Portable, POTA

TN K-3941 Grundy Forest State Natural Area


First time here for me my 55th park
IC-706MKG HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver
MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna 20, 15 success

It was slow activation but successful my second  TN park. The park was crowded so I didn’t feel comfortable at the picnic area 12 contacts. Finally got my iPad charged.  Watch the video for the layout.

TN K-2977 South Cumberland State Park

Amateur Radio, K-2977, Portable, POTA

TN K-2977 South Cumberland State Park

It was interesting operating POTA being in a different state.  One of my loyal hunters W0CGC said he only used 43 watts to reach me since I was on his side of the mountain.  I really appreciate my host my brother in law inviting me to come down. He has 5 parks within easy drive. This one was only 1.4 miles away.  Here are the other possibilities

K-2977 South Cumberland State Park 1.4 miles

K-3941 Grundy Forest State Natural Area 1.4 miles

K-6238 Chimneys State Natural Area 11 miles

K-6257 Natural Bridge State Natural Area 11.7 miles

K-5493 Franklin-Marion State Forest 12.6 miles

I messed up my charging schedule on my faulty iPad I have to hold the cord just right to get it to charge and it failed to charge last night so only a little internet until my technology failed me. I appreciate the hunters who spotted me.

30 contacts thanks to the hunters and p2p. Ranger came out to talk to me. Very friendly. Told me of the other park down the street. Thanks for reading.

NC K-6934 #11 Pee Dee River State Game Land

Amateur Radio, K-6934, Portable, POTA, Uncategorized

NC K-6934 #11 Pee Dee River State Game Land

What a morning! And at first I didn’t want to go.  Everything went perfect only 4 throws using the strong arm method.

IC-706MKG HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver

LDG AT-200 PRO II Antenna Tuner

MFJ-1984HP, ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M

In the videos you will hear tips on taking down your antenna and what I do to organize my gear to carry it home.  Don’t worry about having everything perfect. I have grown and didn’t start out with the equipment I have now.  (And I don’t have the newest equipment) Thanks to the hunters and p2p and the early shift contacts.

K-8010 #29

Amateur Radio, K-8010, Portable, POTA

I believe I had a record stay at this park. I operated almost 4 hours.  After I made sure I got my activation in (10 contacts) I was able to relax. I used my MFJ-1984HP, ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M & IC-706MKG HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver.  I had a couple of DX contacts Scotland and an excited married couple from Chile. Thanks to p2p and hunters.


NC K-6934 #10 Pee Dee River State Game Land

Amateur Radio, K-6934, Portable, POTA

NC K-6934 #10 Pee Dee River State Game Land

I had to take off for a couple of weeks but I am back.  I wasn’t able to get any contacts with my  MFJ-1984HP, ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M for some reason so I switched to my MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna. I made contacts on 15, 17, 20, and 40. I am happy I have alternatives available to me.  I guess my dx is better on my verticals because I worked Dominican Republic, Sweden, Spain and France.  I hadn’t heard them in a while.  I’ve been promoting amateur radio on the communities social media and i think a couple of them are ready to take their exam in a couple of weeks.  Try not to Beto technical when you promote it. I used the contact we made a month ago with the 4H camp in PA.  They are big into 4H here.  I appreciate all the hunters and p2p.  Still not able to hunt from home due to storm. Working on a replacement set up.

NC K-8010 McKinney Lake State Fish Hatchery #28

K-8010, Portable, POTA

NC K-8010 McKinney Lake State Fish Hatchery #28

Always fun showing a new person POTA.  Olivia OJ  (KE8WDY) completed her third activation and was introducing her dad Bill (N6WL) to his first POTA activation. I made 14 contacts but due to conditions we each struggled with passing the microphone around we lost the other station. It was a nice day for an activation temperature wise.  I look forward to working Bill from his “ home”park CA K-0650 Mojave Preserve National Conservation Area.  Thanks to the hunters and p2p. Be sure to visit my website for all my latest activities n4mqu dot com select POTA



NC K-6934 #9 Pee Dee River State Game Land

K-6934, Portable, POTA

NC K-6934 #9 Pee Dee River State Game Land

Today I used MFJ-1984MP ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M W4JE modified. And the MFJ-1984HP, ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M. Just seem like I was getting low signal reports from my first 10 contacts so I switched when I got the park confirmed. I guess I waited in case I broke something. Someone did asked me to move up two but I am sure that frequency would have been busy too. I usually try to be accommodating but I had already been there ten minutes and things were hopping.  That station didn’t give his call sign so I continued until I was ready. Please give your call sign when you transmit it is in the rules. A good morning for an activation. Temperature was comfortable. 62 phone contacts my second highest for that park. I am at 9 activations for that park and I am on target to making my kilo award when I achieve my repeat offender status for that park. 397 contacts. Are you one of those?  Thanks to the hunters and p2p and the early shift contacts.