K-3854 #16 Don’t forget the Counterpoise!

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

Location: NC K-3854 Middlesex 
Date: 20220911


  • Chameleon Portable HF Antenna CHA HYBRID Micro
  • IC-706MKG HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver

First time in my amateur radio career (38 years) I am going after an award. Repeat offender award for activating my home park NC K-3854. This is awarded when you activate a park 20 times.  I am at activation 16. I am starting to recognize familiar call signs. Yesterday a visitor stopped by and asked me what I was doing. I explained to him about amateur radio.  After further conversation he said he was a medical student studying to be a doctor. I suggested that he get his amateur radio license and gave him my card. A couple of engineer amateur radio friends keep on reminding me about using a counterpoise. Apparently it is a part of your antenna. I used two of them for this activation. 

Thanks for reading de n4mqu.

Follow my activities on my POTA page.
