K-3854 #17 Still Learning Antenna Set Up

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

Location: NC K-3854 Middlesex 

Date: 20220912


  • MFJ-1984MP, ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M
  • IC-706MKG HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver
  • MFJ Model MFJ-969 Deluxe Versa Tuner II antenna tuner


Sep 12 K-3854

The trials of setting up and end fed is daunting for me.  I have 3 options. Potato gun, fishing rod, or throw line.  So far the potato gun seems to work best for me.  The only draw back is the compressor but that isn’t too bad.  I am not a fisherman so the fishing rod hasn’t worked for me.  The throw line may work when there is a clear line of trees.

Throw line

The other problem I have is preventing getting the wire and rope tangled.

Tangled wire

Tangled rope

One possible key is to carefully putting away the rope and wire as you pack from your activation.  I have a tendency to be in a hurry to pack up after an activation. 
I’ve enjoyed using various bands during my activations.  I still want to add more bands and add CW and data. Thanks to all the hunters and p2p.

Follow my activations on my POTA page.

Sep 12 2022 end fed

Sep 12 End Fed