NC K-6934 #9 Pee Dee River State Game Land

K-6934, Portable, POTA

NC K-6934 #9 Pee Dee River State Game Land

Today I used MFJ-1984MP ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M W4JE modified. And the MFJ-1984HP, ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M. Just seem like I was getting low signal reports from my first 10 contacts so I switched when I got the park confirmed. I guess I waited in case I broke something. Someone did asked me to move up two but I am sure that frequency would have been busy too. I usually try to be accommodating but I had already been there ten minutes and things were hopping.  That station didn’t give his call sign so I continued until I was ready. Please give your call sign when you transmit it is in the rules. A good morning for an activation. Temperature was comfortable. 62 phone contacts my second highest for that park. I am at 9 activations for that park and I am on target to making my kilo award when I achieve my repeat offender status for that park. 397 contacts. Are you one of those?  Thanks to the hunters and p2p and the early shift contacts.