As a teenager my family spent some of their time in my father’s home town Rockingham, NC. I remember one summer I went for a walk by myself. I got lost. I thought I was headed in one direction but was going into another direction. It was just me and my own two feet to carry me to my destination. I don’t remember all my feelings but I am sure of them was panic, worry and a sense of hopelessness. I think I finally made it back to the main house and was surprised when I came out of the woods at the spot I was at. Totally different from what I expected. When I arrived my uncle said they were getting ready to call the rescue squad to come and look for me.

My grandfathers house as it was a few years ago.
Do you have someone that cares for you or are you lost? I invite you to come to know who you are in Jesus Christ. Jesus loves you the way you are and the blood of Jesus wipes away all your sin.
Thanks for reading.