Activating 3 Parks K-4987, K-3975, K-0717

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA, Virginia POTA

I picked out five new parks to activate while I was staying at my friends house in Virginia

Yesterday I did accomplish activating 3 of them.

K-4987 Lake Curtis State Fishing Lake 36 contacts

K-3975 C.F. Phelps Wildlife Management Area 10 contacts

K-0717 Fredericksburg and Spotslvania National Military Park 12 contacts

I used   MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna mounted on the car. It was challenge for me since I was totally unfamiliar with the area but technology was helpful but the third park the name on the sign was different from the POTA name but I was able to verify the correct park by a sign at the park. I failed to take a photo of the sign displayed at the parking area. The cool temperatures made working from the car more tolerable.

I was trying for 5 but finding K-4983 Lake Orange  got to be a challenge  and decided to head home after not finding the park.

I appreciate all the hunters and p2p and the multiple park and band  hunters. W4JE, N4AWP, and N4UHH. I hope I didn’t leave anyone out

The following parks will have to wait.

K-4983 Lake Orange Fishing Lake

K-7640 Oakley Forest Wildlife Management Area