K-3891 #1

Amateur Radio, K-3891, Portable, POTA, SC

K-3891 SC Campbells Crossroads and Angelus Tracts Wildlife Management Area

As I know my shortcomings it is easy for me to get instructions wrong and get lost. This was no exception but I did find the park. The instructions say Turn left onto SC109 and proceed 0.4 miles but it left you with choices left or right without signs I chose left but I turned around checked google earth and found the facility and a church I could use as a land mark. I made 36 contacts using the MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna. I do not want to get in the habit of using just this set up but with the grey clouds and rain in the forecast I chose this today. I know I get better signals with the Endfed. Thanks for all the contacts and p2p.