K-6947 #10

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA





NC K-6947 Sandhills State Game Land Nice late afternoon activation after the thunderstorms. 35 contacts and one Canadian station and 1 Venezuelan station. 15 meters was fun. At the end I felt pressured to leave before it got dark. NC K-6947 #10 de n4mqu



K-8010 #21

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

Second highest QSO Total 107

NC K-8010. Mckinney Lake State Fish Hatchery. I had my second highest solo QSO total. Great day for being by the lake I went to a different area of the park. I tried 10 and 12 but no QSO

40, 20, 17 and 15 successful contacts 37 contacts from my kilo award for the park.  On the hunting side I finally got Arizona missing WY, HI, and AK

Thanks to the hunters and p2p had several mobile and QRP stations. Thanks for reading de n4mqu

 Met a new friend with a new radio X-6100 here is the recording I made of our QSO. Another friend is encouraging me to get one. He insist that he didn’t put anyone up to contacting me but I was impressed with W4BUS Judd’s impression of his new radio.

Please don’t be afraid of CW. I get a high everytime someone responds to my call. Here is a audio extract of several contacts I made yesterday. I make mistakes and most likely don’t respond properly but don’t worry about it NC K-8010 de n4mqu


K-6947 #9

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

Support Your Parks Weekend Certificate

NC K-6947 Sandhills State Game Land

I have said it before myself it is not broken don’t fix it.  In amateur radio it’s important to try different setups and don’t get caught up in a rut.  I purposely set up using the MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna.  It was a beautiful sunny day for park activity. I actually went to a different area of the park.  Today I hit pay dirt. Three California stations on 10 meters and Two Arizona stations on ten.  Then I heard a station say VK. Australia couldn’t be but it was VK4NH. Another DX station came in PZ2YT  Yudel from Suriname.

I remember my novice days it took forever to get California.

I think today was one for the books or was that yesterday?  Sorry for my enthusiasm.

Thanks to the 11 p2p and the hunters.  I will be back to NC K-8010 this week to finish the kilo. De n4mqu.

10 8 contacts

20 5 contacts

40 13 contacts


K-8010 #20

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA


What an intense and awesome day 20230415 on my 20th activation of K-8010 Mckinney Lake State Fish Hatchery. This place has significant family history my father was born at a house a few miles away. I made 68 contacts on 40, and 20 but I tried 10 and 15. Made 1 CW contact (N4NTO) and answered a AM mode CQ on 40. I did not achieve my kilo (144 left) but hope to do that in the coming week. Note to self be sure to check your area to make sure you don’t leave anything. I left my solar panel at my last activation. Fortunately it was there waiting for me when I return after this activation. Thanks for all the hunters and p2p de n4mqu

K-9224 #1 SC Lake Wallace Wildlife Management Area

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

New Park New State

Today I activated SC K-9224 Lake Wallace Wildlife Management Area Bennettsville 26 miles 36 min from my home. And it is a new park and a new state for me.

I had my regular MFJ-1984MP ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M modified and was planing on using that for my activation but it looked like I may have trouble getting out with those short trees. So I immediately decided to use my new MFJ Short HF Mobile Ham-tenna. On a couple of earlier post I called it a hamstick and I wanted to correct that designation.  I want to thank EA1GIB Spain for his persistence on 15 meters I finally got the call sign correct. I started on 40 and made 25 contacts moved to 15 and made 3 contacts I answered 3 p2p on 20. I decided to finish up with CW and made 5 contacts. If you see me spotted on cw you can be sure I am doing my best to go slow.  I appreciate all the CW contacts made today.  I am pleased to report it was the first CW contacts for that park. I will return and also check a few other parks near the boarder.

K-2888 Cheraw State Park 28 miles 38 min 60 Activations

K-3874 H. Cooper Black Jr. Memorial State Recreation Area 35 miles 49 min 36 activations

K-3891 Campbells Crossroads and Angelus Tracts Wildlife Management Area 36 miles 45 min 24 Activations

K-0519 Carolina Sandhills National Wildlife Refuge 51 miles 1 hour 2 minutes 61 activations

Thanks for reading de n4mqu.

“Fishing is great the fish are not biting”

K-8010 #19

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

NC K-8010 McKenny Lake State Fish Hatchery 19th activation and 212 from my Kilo for that park. Finally made 19contacts today kind of rough getting started but did get it activated. Thanks for the hunters and p2p. De n4mqu

Hit and Run in Homeowner’s Driveway

Date of Incident: 3/29/2023 Time:7:30 PM  
Place: Rockingham, NC. 
Actual Cash Value: $6,685
Estimate Results: Total loss
Police report on file
Damaged Vehicle: 2005 Scion XB

The incident occurred  on the owners own driveway. A crash was heard but the criminal left the scene before any vehicle was sighted.  There was no cameras. If anyone has any information please call the Rockingham Police Department non emergency number.



Why Did Jesus Not Commit Sin


Or maybe a better question is why do we sin?  Two things sparked my interest in my daily reading this morning Proverbs 28:13

“Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy.”

After that I read Hebrews 4:15 
For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.”

The reason the Proverbs verse struck me is because in my Celebrate Recover Step program I just completed we talked about confessing  our sins James 5:16.

Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

So why did Jesus not sin?

I believe the answer lies in the fact in order for Jesus to be sacrificed for or sin he had to have no blemish. He was tempted multiple times but did not sin.  Since Jesus did not sin why does man sin? No one will know. Is that true?  Other people may not know.  Sin can be hidden. But is it really hidden?


Please check out my My Testimony page.

This Blog is Under Development 

K-3854 #31 The Kilo Award Flower Hill

Amateur Radio, Portable, POTA

K-3854 sign

I activated former home park NC K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve Wednesday and achieved the Kilo award with 31 activations and a lot learned.

Kilo Award

The activation started out with the new hamsticks on 15 and 40 but decided to switch to the MFJ Modified Endfed.  Thanks to k0BRV for the school contact with Belleview R-3 Amateur Radio Club

Please navigate to my website n4mqu dot com for videos and more.

Thank you de n4mqu


  • MFJ-1984MP ENDFED 1/2 Wave 40-10M modified
  • MFJ Model MFJ-969 Deluxe Versa Tuner II antenna tuner
  • IC-706MKG HF/VHF/UHF All Mode Transceiver
  • Bioenno Power 12V 20Ah 240 Watt-hours Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
  • Bioenno Power 28 Watt Foldable Solar Panel
  • Bioenno Power 12V/24V 30A Solar Charge Control



16 P2P

1 multiband 15 & 20


State Breakdown 

2 AL

4 AR

1 CT

9 FL


4 GA

2 IL

2 IN

1 KS

4 MA

1 ME

3 MI

1 MO

2 MS

4 NC

4 NY

8 OH

2 PA

4 RI

1 SC

6 TN

2 TX

1 UT

1 VA

1 VT

2 WI

1 WV


1 ON

2 QC



K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve History of Activations

  1. K-3854 #1 20220919
  2. Activating McKinney Lake #K-8010 #2
  3. K-3854 #3 20220130
  4. K-3854 #4 20220208
  5. K-3854 #7 20220521
  6. K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve #9 20220722
  7. K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve #10 20220817
  8. K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve #11 20220901
  9. K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve #12 20220902
  10. K-3854 Flower Hill State Nature Preserve #13 20220907
  11. K-3854 Activation #14 with the Moon Car
  12. K-3854 Activation #15 The Throwline
  13. K-3854 #16 Don’t forget the Counterpoise!
  14. K-3854 #17 Still Learning Antenna Set Up
  15. K-3854 #19 Practice Makes Perfect
  16. Activating my home Park #25